Exclusion from Justice: the continuing dispossession of Ibaloy ancestral lands in Baguio City

BAGUIO CITY– On February 23, 1909, 116 years ago today, the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of Mateo Cariño, an Ibaloy from Baguio, who challenged the expropriation of his family’s land in Camp John Hay by the American colonial government.   This landmark decision by the US Supreme Court on the case of Cariño vs. the American Insular government of …

Call for Applications: Sustainable Cities

We announce the opening of the following job positions as part of a team working in Baguio City, Philippines on Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Cities: 1. Community Based Monitoring and Information Systems (CBMIS) Researcher and Local Coordinator (Part-time, 4 days a week)   2. Research and Indigenous Peoples Education (IPED) Officer (Part-time, 3 days a week) For job descriptions and …

Extension of Deadline to July 21, 2022
Call for Applications

Partners for Indigenous Knowledge Philippines, Inc. (PIKP) is starting a project on July 1, 2022 on TRANSFORMATIVE PATHWAYS: Indigenous peoples and local communities leading and scaling up conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The project is a joint initiative among indigenous organisations in different countries with the collective aim of improved conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity by recognising, supporting …

Call for Applications

Partners for Indigenous Knowledge Philippines, Inc. (PIKP) is starting a project on June 1, 2022 on TRANSFORMATIVE PATHWAYS: Indigenous peoples and local communities leading and scaling up conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The project is a joint initiative among indigenous organizations in different countries with the collective aim of improved conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity by recognizing, supporting …

PIKP is conferred the Philippine Heritage Award 2020

Palacio de Memoria, Partners for Indigenous Knowledge Philippines, and the Local Government of Tagum named as the new awardees of the Philippine Heritage Awards (PHA).  The PHA has six categories: Adaptive Reuse, Conservation – Built Heritage, Conservation – Movable Cultural Properties, Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Heritage Education and Interpretation, Heritage Programs Support. Following the first conferment ceremony last 2018, …

Learning about our Ba-ëng is FUN!

An effort to keep alive the ancient Ibaloy practice of growing food near the home has taken off in Baguio City. On October 28, 2021, a learning module to teach this Ibaloy practice to children and youth was tested. Activities included ba-ëng tour, artwork, storytelling and actual hands-on practice using the tools and working in the garden. Participants and trainers …

Kamote – Welcome to our Ba-ëng

“When planting kamote, think of the rains, and avoid the rainiest days, when the worms will attack the tuber. A good time to plant is April or May. Count 5 to 6 months, and harvest before the strong storms” “Kamote and gabi are required as offerings during the Ibaloy rituals, along with one or more pigs, a big jar of …

Flowering Pechay – Welcome to our Ba-ëng

“Flowering pechay has been planted since the early times here in Baguio. Its seeds can be saved, which is a great advantage when compared to the other varieties of pechay, cabbage and wombok, for which you have to buy seeds every time you want to plant them”. — excerpt from the book Welcome to our Ba-ëng!, 2021

The Gabi Plant – Welcome to our Ba-ëng

“Gabi is required for the Ibaloy rituals. It is among the essential offerings when we invite the unseen spirits to join the ritual feast. The entire gabi plant, from the root to the stem to the leaves, is eaten and much valued by the Ibaloys”. “Aside from rituals, these plants are also important in our everyday life, providing nourishment for …